3.9.20 Monday
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Read Adapted Screenplays + Analysis Paragraph
3. If Time: Quiz 8-14
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 17 and 18
3.10.20 Tuesday
No School: Election Day
3.11.20 Wednesday
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Read Adapted Screenplays / Review
3. Quiz 8-14
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 19/20
3.12.20 Thursday
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Examine Setting, Characters, and Plot for Chapters 15-20. Fill out this CHART.
HW: Read Chapters 21/22
3.13.20. Friday
EARLY RELEASE DAY due to Coronavirus.
1. 2-Week Overview. This is the basic plan for the next two weeks, subject to change! Stay tuned.
2. Questions and Comments
3. Check out a book to take home!
Finish Catcher in the Rye
Read 15 minutes each day
Check this website Monday for more details about how we will proceed.
2018-9 Plans: Do Not Scroll Down
3.11.19 Monday
1. 15 Minutes Reading Time + Log
2. Finish Adapted Screenplay and Analysis Paragraph.
--Reading of scenes tomorrow! Make sure to submit on "Turn in Papers" page
3. Work on Vocab Set 16 (pass out word list- also on website)
Review Catcher 8-14 (Quiz tomorrow or Wednesday)
Vocab Set 16 due Wednesday by 11:59p
3.12.19 Tuesday
1. 15 Minutes Reading Time + Log
2. Adapted Screenplay Readings, and discussion
HW: Review 8-14 - Quiz tomorrow
3.13.19 Wednesday
1. 15 Minutes Reading + Log
2. Review Quiz 1-7 (Pass Back, Project, Review Answers, Recollect)
3. Review 8-14 (Notes with Where / Who and Each Chapter)
4. 8-14 Quiz
HW: Read Catcher Chapter 15/16 (recommended: Review Maurice / Sunny situation in Chapter 13 and 14 first)
Vocab Set 16 due by 11:59p
3.14.19 Thursday
1. 15 Minutes Reading + Log
2. Catcher: Chapter 15/16: Create Timeline with SETTING, ACTIONS, INNER THOUGHTS. See model.
Read Catcher Chapters 17/18
Vocab Quiz 16 tomorrow
3.15.19 Friday
1. Vocab Flash Review, Vocab Quiz 16
2. Three Choices:
a) Silent Reading Time
b) Complete Make-Up Work / QUizzes
c) Finish Catcher Timeline 15/16
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 19-21
Next week:
Monday New Vocab, 17-21 Discussion
Tuesday 15-21 Quiz today. Read 22. HW: 22-24
Wednesday 22-24 Discussion. HW: 25-26 Review Quiz 8-14 sometime this week.
Thursday 25/26 Final Discussion /Maybe: Final Quiz
Friday Vocab Quiz + Activity TBA
Catcher Final Test / Essay: After break.
2017-8 Plans- Do not scroll down
3.12.18 MONDAY
1. New Vocab- Set 17
2. Catcher- Rough Draft Drafting Time
3. Pick Up Kindred
Finish Catcher draft by 11:59p and submit
Vocab due by Wednesday at 11:59p
3.13.18 TUESDAY
1. Lesson: Sentence Structure & Parallelism (handout)
2. Peer Editing on laptops
Vocab due by Wed at 11:59p
Catcher final draft due
1. Lesson: We love Clauses; we also love semi-colons.
Notes come from this handout.
2. Continue Peer Editing
3. If time, Intro to Kindred
Vocab due by 11:59p
Edit / Revise Rough Draft- Due MONDAY 3/19
3.15.18 THURSDAY
1. Essay Questions and Concerns?
2. Time Travel! View Popular Mechanics Time Travel Cover Page
--Table / Individual Challenge: List 30 time travel movies. Add tv and books.
--Share with class.
--Review Top 30 slideshow
--Why do writers use time travel as a device? List ideas.
--List 5 times / places you would travel [When / Where / Why]
3. Intro to Kindred: Read Prologue (pages 9-11 aloud). What do you notice? What questions do you have?
Read Kindred "The River" pages 12-17
Vocab quiz tomorrow
Catcher- Final Draft due by 11:59p Monday
3.16.18 FRIDAY
1. Flash Review / Vocab Quiz
2. Kindred- Free Reading. Record 5 observations about each chapter as you read.
HW: Read Kindred "The Fire" pages 18-33
Catcher Final Draft due by 11:59p Monday.
I will grade the Google Doc that you submitted as your rough draft and then revised.
To Come
Active & Passive Verbs: Notes based on this handout
2016-7 PLANS- do not scroll down
3.13.17 MONDAY
1. Story
2. Vote on next book
3. Lesson: Sentence Structure & Parallelism (handout)
4. New Vocab
**Make sure you submit your rough draft on my website. We will peer edit tomorrow.**
Vocab due Tuesday by 11:59p
Finish Parallelism handout
3.14.17 TUESDAY
1. Story
2. Go over Parallelism sentences
3. Peer Editing (on laptops)
Vocab due tonight by 11:59p
Edit / Revise Rough Draft
1. Story
2. Lit Presentation / Teaser: Helena & Peyton
3. Lesson: We love Clauses; we also love semi-colons.
Notes come from this handout.
4. Pick up 'Curious Dog'
Continue to revise Catcher Rough Draft
Research 10 common characteristics of people diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.
3.16.17 THURSDAY
1. Story
2. Peyton and Helena: Literary Presentation Final Teaser
3. Autism / Aspberger's Research- Share Traits
4. Active & Passive Verbs: Notes based on this handout
Vocab Quiz tomorrow
Catcher Final Draft due MONDAY- Continue revisions. Eliminate passive verbs!
3.17.17 FRIDAY
1. Story
2. Peyton and Helena Lit Presentation
3. Vocab Quiz
4. Final Catcher Essay Tips / Revision Tricks
5. Related 'Curious Incident' activity TBA
Catcher Final Draft due MONDAY. Print Printed Hard Copy.
Curious Dog reading for Tuesday TBA
2015-6 PLANS
3/21 Monday
HW: Read Kindred: The Fall 5-8 (pp 81-107)
3/22 Tuesday
HW: Quiz on Kindred Wed or Thurs
3/23 Wednesday
HW: Review Kindred: The Fall (though pp107)
3/24 Thursday
Answer Kindred “The Fall” Questions (handout)
Kindred Quiz Monday (pp 9-107)
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Read Adapted Screenplays + Analysis Paragraph
3. If Time: Quiz 8-14
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 17 and 18
3.10.20 Tuesday
No School: Election Day
3.11.20 Wednesday
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Read Adapted Screenplays / Review
3. Quiz 8-14
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 19/20
3.12.20 Thursday
1. Silent Reading
2. Catcher: Examine Setting, Characters, and Plot for Chapters 15-20. Fill out this CHART.
HW: Read Chapters 21/22
3.13.20. Friday
EARLY RELEASE DAY due to Coronavirus.
1. 2-Week Overview. This is the basic plan for the next two weeks, subject to change! Stay tuned.
2. Questions and Comments
3. Check out a book to take home!
Finish Catcher in the Rye
Read 15 minutes each day
Check this website Monday for more details about how we will proceed.
2018-9 Plans: Do Not Scroll Down
3.11.19 Monday
1. 15 Minutes Reading Time + Log
2. Finish Adapted Screenplay and Analysis Paragraph.
--Reading of scenes tomorrow! Make sure to submit on "Turn in Papers" page
3. Work on Vocab Set 16 (pass out word list- also on website)
Review Catcher 8-14 (Quiz tomorrow or Wednesday)
Vocab Set 16 due Wednesday by 11:59p
3.12.19 Tuesday
1. 15 Minutes Reading Time + Log
2. Adapted Screenplay Readings, and discussion
HW: Review 8-14 - Quiz tomorrow
3.13.19 Wednesday
1. 15 Minutes Reading + Log
2. Review Quiz 1-7 (Pass Back, Project, Review Answers, Recollect)
3. Review 8-14 (Notes with Where / Who and Each Chapter)
4. 8-14 Quiz
HW: Read Catcher Chapter 15/16 (recommended: Review Maurice / Sunny situation in Chapter 13 and 14 first)
Vocab Set 16 due by 11:59p
3.14.19 Thursday
1. 15 Minutes Reading + Log
2. Catcher: Chapter 15/16: Create Timeline with SETTING, ACTIONS, INNER THOUGHTS. See model.
Read Catcher Chapters 17/18
Vocab Quiz 16 tomorrow
3.15.19 Friday
1. Vocab Flash Review, Vocab Quiz 16
2. Three Choices:
a) Silent Reading Time
b) Complete Make-Up Work / QUizzes
c) Finish Catcher Timeline 15/16
HW: Read Catcher Chapters 19-21
Next week:
Monday New Vocab, 17-21 Discussion
Tuesday 15-21 Quiz today. Read 22. HW: 22-24
Wednesday 22-24 Discussion. HW: 25-26 Review Quiz 8-14 sometime this week.
Thursday 25/26 Final Discussion /Maybe: Final Quiz
Friday Vocab Quiz + Activity TBA
Catcher Final Test / Essay: After break.
2017-8 Plans- Do not scroll down
3.12.18 MONDAY
1. New Vocab- Set 17
2. Catcher- Rough Draft Drafting Time
3. Pick Up Kindred
Finish Catcher draft by 11:59p and submit
Vocab due by Wednesday at 11:59p
3.13.18 TUESDAY
1. Lesson: Sentence Structure & Parallelism (handout)
2. Peer Editing on laptops
Vocab due by Wed at 11:59p
Catcher final draft due
1. Lesson: We love Clauses; we also love semi-colons.
- Introduction to Independent Clauses, Conjunctive Adverbs, Transitional Phrases, Coordinating Conjunctions
- Semi-Colons: Why / Rules
Notes come from this handout.
2. Continue Peer Editing
3. If time, Intro to Kindred
Vocab due by 11:59p
Edit / Revise Rough Draft- Due MONDAY 3/19
3.15.18 THURSDAY
1. Essay Questions and Concerns?
2. Time Travel! View Popular Mechanics Time Travel Cover Page
--Table / Individual Challenge: List 30 time travel movies. Add tv and books.
--Share with class.
--Review Top 30 slideshow
--Why do writers use time travel as a device? List ideas.
--List 5 times / places you would travel [When / Where / Why]
3. Intro to Kindred: Read Prologue (pages 9-11 aloud). What do you notice? What questions do you have?
Read Kindred "The River" pages 12-17
Vocab quiz tomorrow
Catcher- Final Draft due by 11:59p Monday
3.16.18 FRIDAY
1. Flash Review / Vocab Quiz
2. Kindred- Free Reading. Record 5 observations about each chapter as you read.
HW: Read Kindred "The Fire" pages 18-33
Catcher Final Draft due by 11:59p Monday.
I will grade the Google Doc that you submitted as your rough draft and then revised.
To Come
Active & Passive Verbs: Notes based on this handout
2016-7 PLANS- do not scroll down
3.13.17 MONDAY
1. Story
2. Vote on next book
3. Lesson: Sentence Structure & Parallelism (handout)
4. New Vocab
**Make sure you submit your rough draft on my website. We will peer edit tomorrow.**
Vocab due Tuesday by 11:59p
Finish Parallelism handout
3.14.17 TUESDAY
1. Story
2. Go over Parallelism sentences
3. Peer Editing (on laptops)
Vocab due tonight by 11:59p
Edit / Revise Rough Draft
1. Story
2. Lit Presentation / Teaser: Helena & Peyton
3. Lesson: We love Clauses; we also love semi-colons.
- Introduction to Independent Clauses, Conjunctive Adverbs, Transitional Phrases, Coordinating Conjunctions
- Semi-Colons: Why / Rules
Notes come from this handout.
4. Pick up 'Curious Dog'
Continue to revise Catcher Rough Draft
Research 10 common characteristics of people diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum.
3.16.17 THURSDAY
1. Story
2. Peyton and Helena: Literary Presentation Final Teaser
3. Autism / Aspberger's Research- Share Traits
4. Active & Passive Verbs: Notes based on this handout
Vocab Quiz tomorrow
Catcher Final Draft due MONDAY- Continue revisions. Eliminate passive verbs!
3.17.17 FRIDAY
1. Story
2. Peyton and Helena Lit Presentation
3. Vocab Quiz
4. Final Catcher Essay Tips / Revision Tricks
5. Related 'Curious Incident' activity TBA
Catcher Final Draft due MONDAY. Print Printed Hard Copy.
Curious Dog reading for Tuesday TBA
2015-6 PLANS
3/21 Monday
- No New Vocab this week
- Catcher Commentaries.
HW: Read Kindred: The Fall 5-8 (pp 81-107)
3/22 Tuesday
- Continue Catcher Commentaries
HW: Quiz on Kindred Wed or Thurs
3/23 Wednesday
- Continue Catcher Commentaries
HW: Review Kindred: The Fall (though pp107)
3/24 Thursday
- Finish Catcher Commentaries
- Kindred: The Fall handout
Answer Kindred “The Fall” Questions (handout)
Kindred Quiz Monday (pp 9-107)