Monday 2.3.20
1. In World News
2. Book Group Reveal- Get Book & Read 1/4 by 2/11
3. Moth Mondays
A Temporary Matter Teaser Slideshow and Reading Time
Finish Moth Story #2
Tuesday 2.4.20
*Collect Moth Story #2 and Partition Handout
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check-In- Need Help getting book?
3. Collect Moth Monday Story #2 and Partition Handout (discuss Partition pre-Pirzada?)
4. Share Stories from yesterday
5. Intro Lahiri and ATM Teaser (slideshow)
6. Begin Reading ATM silently. Finish for tomorrow
HW: Finish Reading "A Temporary Matter" pages 1-22
Wednesday 2.5.20
Thursday 2.6.20
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check-In
3. Current Events Reminder / Teaser
4. Mirror vs Window (4th only)
5. Origami Box Tutorial + Treats
6. Intro Mr. Pirzada and Reading Time
Finish Reading "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine" pages 23-42
Read 1/4 of Book Group Book for Tuesday 2/11
Friday 2.7.20
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check In
3. Current Events- Next Friday!
4. Maladies & Understanding Lahiri's Depth
Moth Mondays
Book Group Tuesday
Discuss IOM Wednesday
2018-9 Plans- Do Not Scroll Down
Monday 2.4
Notecard Warm Up
Fill in the blank: I am a 2nd semester senior. This means that I ...
1. In World News / Current Events Refresher and Sign up Check
2. Midterm Exam Review: By Appointment Only
3. Ashes in the Snow: Handout intro + Film screening
HW: None
Tuesday 2.5
1. In World News
2. Current Event Reminders
3. View Ashes in the Snow. Notecard: 5 observations from yesterday's screening on one side, 5 observations from today's screening on the other side. Turn in as Exit Ticket
HW: None
Wednesday 2.6
Thursday 2.7
1. In World News
2. Current Event Teasers
3. Finish Ashes in the Snow.
4. Notecard: 5 observations one side, +/- other side. Number of stars out of 5? Turn in as Exit Ticket.
Friday 2.8
1. In World News
2. Current Events
3. Ashes in the Snow: Writing a Film Review (handout) + model Hate U Give.
HW: Film Review due next Thursday, 2/14 by 11:59p. Turn in on my website.
Do Not Scroll Down- 2017-8 Plans
Monday 2.5.18
World News over the weekend?
1. Field Trip Feedback / Notecard + thank you note
2. Current Events Presentations- tomorrow
3. Book Group Reveal / Set up Reading Schedule [2/20, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12]
4. Intro to Mr. Pirzada / Reading Time with Study Guide
HW: Finish reading "When Mr. Pirzada..."
Tuesday 2.6.18
1. Writing Warm-Up: Write about a person who entered and left your life (8 questions)
2. Current Events (Javon/ Osameh)
3. Mr. Pirzada- Table Discussion of Study Guide / Group Discussion of Theme / Message
Finish Mr. Pirzada Study Guide
Get Book Group Book
Wednesday 2.7.18
Thursday 2.8.18
1. Current Events Teaser: Casimir, Fatimah
2. Collect Mr. Pirzada study guide / what was 'malady'?
3. Intro to title story: Interpreter of Maladies + Begin travelogue (handout)
Finish reading IOM
Get Book Group Book
Friday 2.9.18
2016-7 Plans-do not scroll down
Monday 2.6.17
1. Story
2. Book Pitch. Bring in book that you have not read, is to your ability level and you think others may want to read as well.
• Need Ideas? How about: 25 Great Books by Refugees in America. OR Books Every High School Student Should Read
3. In preparation for our field trip on 2/17, please choose your travel groups for our Beyond Sacred field trip here.
DO NOT delete anyone else's name from the list. That is bad form!
4. Meet with Book Group and set reading schedule.
HW: Read "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dinner" (pp 23-43)
Tuesday 2.7.17
1. Story
2. Book Groups-Complete Reading Schedule
3. Discuss When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
HW: Read "Interpreter of Maladies" (pp 43-70). Quiz on ATM, Mr. P, IOM Friday.
Wednesday 2.8.17
1. Story
2. Current Event Teaser: Adonis, Hannah Y, Kirk M
3. When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine: Finish Study Guide
4. Interpreter of Maladies: Create a Vacation Scrapbook / Trip Journal / Marketing Brochure
Quiz on first three stories Friday (Temporary Matter, Mr. Prizada, and Maladies)
Get book group book- See me for help!
Thursday 2.9.17
University Musical Society Artist Residency day #2 - Meet in Annex. Participation Credit for Attending.
Make Up Assignment:
1. Read one of these articles: Food Availability, Flint Water Crisis, Detroit Art, In a Rust Belt Town, In Michigan
2. Read and annotate. Specifically mark 5 key elements (word, idea, sentence, quote, phrase, image, etc.). You will use these elements to create a skit.
3. Decide how you will use these elements. Work out how you (and additional people who might be part of this skit) will move.
4. Write a one-page skit. Explain how the actors will enter, what stage movements / actions will occur, and what people will say aloud.
5. Submit for Participation Credit!
Friday 2.10.17
1. Story
2. Current Events Around the World
• 2nd Hour- Adonis
• 4th Hour- Hannah Y
• 5th Hour-Kirk M
3. Collect Mr. Pirzada Study Guide
4. Finish "Interpreter of Maladies" Digital Scrapbook
Section #1 Reading Quiz (Temporary Matter, Mr. Prizada, and Maladies) MONDAY!
Read Book Group Book-- Book Group Discussion Day #1 is Wednesday!
If you do not have your book by Wednesday, I will provide you with another book and form a new group.
To Come Next Week:
Read Real Durwan and Study Guide, Read Sexy
Complete "Beyond Sacred" Packet by Tuesday 2/21
2015-6 PLANS
Monday 2.8
Book Pitch. Get Book over break. Bring to class on Monday 2/22.
Tuesday 2.9
Warm Up Writing
Reveal Book Groups
Discuss WMPCTD
Research Terms IOM
Warm Up: 100 words (5 pts)
In-Class writing. Choose one of the below and write at least 3/4 of a page.
1. Write about someone you miss and why you miss them. What is it like to miss someone?
2. How important is it that you know what's going on in the world? Explain.
3. When have you been among other people, but still alone? How did you deal with your loneliness?
• Share what you are comfortable with a partner.
• Discuss with your partner how each question connects to When Mr. Pirzada came to dine.
Next: What is this story about? Bullet points at table…
Discuss symbols / ideas in text.
Remember A Temporary Matter- Why a power outage?
Why Halloween?
Why the TV?
What is different about Dora’s House?
HW: Finish Researching terms IOM
Extra credit if you include pictures and definitions for the front of the study guide.
• Interested in the Indian Partition? This is a good (albeit long) article:
• The Great Divide - The violent legacy of Indian Partition. Print and T4 for up to 5 pts extra credit.
Wednesday 2.10
Ruth Sepytys comes Pioneer! EC for attendance. EEC for asking a question.
Reminder Current Event / Sign Up
Reading Time IOM- with Reading Guide.
If time: Begin Real Durwan research terms
HW: Finish Reading IOM
Thursday 2.11
Debrief: Ruta Sepetys visit!
Warm Up Writing (125 words) Write about something that has followed you from a previous time in your life—a secret, a story, a memory.
2. Check IOM Study Guide.
3. Discuss IOM + Questions / Major Ideas
Review first 3 stories- Quiz tomorrow.
Review Study Guides / Notes
Get Book Group Book for Monday 2.22.
See me if you need help getting the book.
Friday 2.12
Discuss IOM further
Quiz on 1st four stories
HW: Bring Book Group Book to class Monday 2.22
1. In World News
2. Book Group Reveal- Get Book & Read 1/4 by 2/11
3. Moth Mondays
- View Moth Story (Wilson's story) from the "On The Verge" Moth StorySlam HERE
- New Prompts / Brainstorm + Write Moth Story #2 (handout HERE)
A Temporary Matter Teaser Slideshow and Reading Time
Finish Moth Story #2
Tuesday 2.4.20
*Collect Moth Story #2 and Partition Handout
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check-In- Need Help getting book?
3. Collect Moth Monday Story #2 and Partition Handout (discuss Partition pre-Pirzada?)
4. Share Stories from yesterday
5. Intro Lahiri and ATM Teaser (slideshow)
6. Begin Reading ATM silently. Finish for tomorrow
HW: Finish Reading "A Temporary Matter" pages 1-22
Wednesday 2.5.20
- In World News
- Book Group Check in
- Current Events Reminders
- ATM: Introduce Mirror vs. Window Concept.
- Mirror / Window Notecard (1. Mirror or Window or Both 2. Explain Why 3. Quote to Represent Why 4. 2nd Quote for Opposite.)
- ATM: Review & Discussion. Temporary Matter FORM
Thursday 2.6.20
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check-In
3. Current Events Reminder / Teaser
4. Mirror vs Window (4th only)
5. Origami Box Tutorial + Treats
6. Intro Mr. Pirzada and Reading Time
Finish Reading "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine" pages 23-42
Read 1/4 of Book Group Book for Tuesday 2/11
Friday 2.7.20
1. In World News
2. Book Group Check In
3. Current Events- Next Friday!
4. Maladies & Understanding Lahiri's Depth
- Title
- Symbolism
- Mirror and Window Concept
- Chunking the Text
Moth Mondays
Book Group Tuesday
Discuss IOM Wednesday
2018-9 Plans- Do Not Scroll Down
Monday 2.4
Notecard Warm Up
Fill in the blank: I am a 2nd semester senior. This means that I ...
1. In World News / Current Events Refresher and Sign up Check
2. Midterm Exam Review: By Appointment Only
3. Ashes in the Snow: Handout intro + Film screening
HW: None
Tuesday 2.5
1. In World News
2. Current Event Reminders
3. View Ashes in the Snow. Notecard: 5 observations from yesterday's screening on one side, 5 observations from today's screening on the other side. Turn in as Exit Ticket
HW: None
Wednesday 2.6
Thursday 2.7
1. In World News
2. Current Event Teasers
3. Finish Ashes in the Snow.
4. Notecard: 5 observations one side, +/- other side. Number of stars out of 5? Turn in as Exit Ticket.
Friday 2.8
1. In World News
2. Current Events
3. Ashes in the Snow: Writing a Film Review (handout) + model Hate U Give.
HW: Film Review due next Thursday, 2/14 by 11:59p. Turn in on my website.
Do Not Scroll Down- 2017-8 Plans
Monday 2.5.18
World News over the weekend?
1. Field Trip Feedback / Notecard + thank you note
2. Current Events Presentations- tomorrow
3. Book Group Reveal / Set up Reading Schedule [2/20, 2/26, 3/5, 3/12]
4. Intro to Mr. Pirzada / Reading Time with Study Guide
HW: Finish reading "When Mr. Pirzada..."
Tuesday 2.6.18
1. Writing Warm-Up: Write about a person who entered and left your life (8 questions)
2. Current Events (Javon/ Osameh)
3. Mr. Pirzada- Table Discussion of Study Guide / Group Discussion of Theme / Message
Finish Mr. Pirzada Study Guide
Get Book Group Book
Wednesday 2.7.18
Thursday 2.8.18
1. Current Events Teaser: Casimir, Fatimah
2. Collect Mr. Pirzada study guide / what was 'malady'?
3. Intro to title story: Interpreter of Maladies + Begin travelogue (handout)
Finish reading IOM
Get Book Group Book
Friday 2.9.18
2016-7 Plans-do not scroll down
Monday 2.6.17
1. Story
2. Book Pitch. Bring in book that you have not read, is to your ability level and you think others may want to read as well.
• Need Ideas? How about: 25 Great Books by Refugees in America. OR Books Every High School Student Should Read
3. In preparation for our field trip on 2/17, please choose your travel groups for our Beyond Sacred field trip here.
DO NOT delete anyone else's name from the list. That is bad form!
4. Meet with Book Group and set reading schedule.
HW: Read "When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dinner" (pp 23-43)
Tuesday 2.7.17
1. Story
2. Book Groups-Complete Reading Schedule
3. Discuss When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
- Main Messages?
- Complete Study Guide with a Partner
HW: Read "Interpreter of Maladies" (pp 43-70). Quiz on ATM, Mr. P, IOM Friday.
Wednesday 2.8.17
1. Story
2. Current Event Teaser: Adonis, Hannah Y, Kirk M
3. When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine: Finish Study Guide
4. Interpreter of Maladies: Create a Vacation Scrapbook / Trip Journal / Marketing Brochure
- Review Story
- Read Vacation Scrapbook Assignment and incorporate items from this Study Guide
- Scrapbook Example: Jimmy and Josh
Quiz on first three stories Friday (Temporary Matter, Mr. Prizada, and Maladies)
Get book group book- See me for help!
Thursday 2.9.17
University Musical Society Artist Residency day #2 - Meet in Annex. Participation Credit for Attending.
Make Up Assignment:
1. Read one of these articles: Food Availability, Flint Water Crisis, Detroit Art, In a Rust Belt Town, In Michigan
2. Read and annotate. Specifically mark 5 key elements (word, idea, sentence, quote, phrase, image, etc.). You will use these elements to create a skit.
3. Decide how you will use these elements. Work out how you (and additional people who might be part of this skit) will move.
4. Write a one-page skit. Explain how the actors will enter, what stage movements / actions will occur, and what people will say aloud.
5. Submit for Participation Credit!
Friday 2.10.17
1. Story
2. Current Events Around the World
• 2nd Hour- Adonis
• 4th Hour- Hannah Y
• 5th Hour-Kirk M
3. Collect Mr. Pirzada Study Guide
4. Finish "Interpreter of Maladies" Digital Scrapbook
Section #1 Reading Quiz (Temporary Matter, Mr. Prizada, and Maladies) MONDAY!
Read Book Group Book-- Book Group Discussion Day #1 is Wednesday!
If you do not have your book by Wednesday, I will provide you with another book and form a new group.
To Come Next Week:
Read Real Durwan and Study Guide, Read Sexy
Complete "Beyond Sacred" Packet by Tuesday 2/21
2015-6 PLANS
Monday 2.8
Book Pitch. Get Book over break. Bring to class on Monday 2/22.
Tuesday 2.9
Warm Up Writing
Reveal Book Groups
Discuss WMPCTD
Research Terms IOM
Warm Up: 100 words (5 pts)
- Think of a time that you were away / separated from someone important.
- Describe the situation.
- How did you keep track of the person / people you were separated from?
- What was it like to be away?
- What did you do differently, if anything?
- When you reunited, was anything different?
In-Class writing. Choose one of the below and write at least 3/4 of a page.
1. Write about someone you miss and why you miss them. What is it like to miss someone?
2. How important is it that you know what's going on in the world? Explain.
3. When have you been among other people, but still alone? How did you deal with your loneliness?
• Share what you are comfortable with a partner.
• Discuss with your partner how each question connects to When Mr. Pirzada came to dine.
Next: What is this story about? Bullet points at table…
Discuss symbols / ideas in text.
Remember A Temporary Matter- Why a power outage?
Why Halloween?
Why the TV?
What is different about Dora’s House?
HW: Finish Researching terms IOM
Extra credit if you include pictures and definitions for the front of the study guide.
• Interested in the Indian Partition? This is a good (albeit long) article:
• The Great Divide - The violent legacy of Indian Partition. Print and T4 for up to 5 pts extra credit.
Wednesday 2.10
Ruth Sepytys comes Pioneer! EC for attendance. EEC for asking a question.
Reminder Current Event / Sign Up
Reading Time IOM- with Reading Guide.
If time: Begin Real Durwan research terms
HW: Finish Reading IOM
Thursday 2.11
Debrief: Ruta Sepetys visit!
Warm Up Writing (125 words) Write about something that has followed you from a previous time in your life—a secret, a story, a memory.
- What is it and why has it followed you?
- Why and when has it resurfaced?
- What is the effect on you?
- How do you feel about it now?
- Is there resolution or does something still linger & feel unresolved?
2. Check IOM Study Guide.
3. Discuss IOM + Questions / Major Ideas
Review first 3 stories- Quiz tomorrow.
Review Study Guides / Notes
Get Book Group Book for Monday 2.22.
See me if you need help getting the book.
Friday 2.12
Discuss IOM further
Quiz on 1st four stories
HW: Bring Book Group Book to class Monday 2.22